

Business coaching proves again and again that change is hard. We are creatures of habit. But without change, businesses can’t grow. So it stands to reason that one of the biggest challenges facing growing businesses is managing the implementation of new systems and processes within the organisation.

What do I mean by systems?

Whether it’s a manual paper system or a large-scale IT project, systems are the procedures, processes, methods and courses of action designed to achieve a specific result. A well-designed system connects parts of the organisation, team members and the interrelated steps necessary to achieve business strategy. Small businesses often operate on the instinctual decisions of the business owner. However, as the business grows, systems and processes need to be operationalised. This facilitates delegation and role responsibility for the team.

The benefits of systems
  • Well designed systems for routine tasks that are often repeated improves efficiency in the workplace.
  • Systems give the business owner an opportunity to keep a finger on the pulse of the business at all times.
  • By following processes and procedures, you mitigate business risk. Systems facilitate results that are consistent, predictable and measurable.
  • Ultimately, systems allow a business to be more profitable.
So why do systems fail?
  • Lack of input from the customers or employees prior to the development of the system. If you want to operationalise the routine, you need to talk to the people who actually perform the task. This not only ensures that the system will improve the current process, but also creates buy-in from employees.
  • There is not enough clarity on the system. Formalise your systems in writing rather than implementing them by word of mouth. If the steps are not clear, or if they are too complex, your team won’t use it. Break down very complex systems into more manageable sub-systems.
  • A lack of ownership, responsibility and reporting. New systems need an owner who drives the implementation of the process. It needs full endorsement from above as a business priority, and it needs a deadline.
  • Inadequate training. Resistance to change is often a result of employees feeling incompetent while they are learning the new process. Implement new systems with proper training, manuals, instructions and patience. Expect a temporary drop in productivity while everyone gets to grips with the new process.
How our behaviour impacts systems
  • Linked to feelings of incompetence are feelings of uncertainty and fear that the new system may expose poor performance. Employees fear that the data or feedback will lead to punishment rather than improved performance. Rather than overcoming the fear, the team may (often unconsciously) look for reasons for it to fail. Implementing new systems requires sensitivity and encouragement. Those required to use it need to understand the benefits of the system to them personally. Communicate these positive consequences and be sure to take time to address any concerns employees may have, to help relieve their fears.
  • Sometimes systems fail because the team is required to behave differently. New systems often necessitate new beliefs and behaviours. When the change in beliefs and behaviours is too massive, the new system is doomed to fail from the beginning. If your employees don’t bother filling in manual timesheets, they are unlikely to start doing it online or on a new app.

If your businesses is ready to grow, it’s time to implement systems and processes to facilitate the growth. Let me help you manage the change.

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