
How my client increased turnover by 30%…a success story worth reading!


Company overview

Gauteng Piling commenced operations in 1996 with its first piling machine in Johannesburg, and has completed more than 1400 contracts to date. The company offers augered piled foundations and lateral support installations where parking basements are required to the building industry when normal foundations cannot be done. We also offer underpinning to all structures where there is settlement of the foundations. This includes private residences and commercial Buildings. The company’s fleet currently consists of 23 auger machines, 3 cranes, 4 bore rigs and 6 Grundo hammers as well as 3 machines for lateral support.

Hennie Bester joined the company in 2002 as a shareholder and took on the role of managing director in 2010.

In May 2012, Hennie appointed Greg Mason as his business coach. This is their story.


What prompted you to take on a business coach?

Hennie: The company was going through a lean patch. The comment that a fish rots from the head made me realise that I needed help. It was a difficult decision to spend money when there was not a lot of work around.

Greg’s comments: Hennie has to be admired for acknowledging that the challenges in his business may start with him. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but he realised he could not keep doing what he was doing and expect a different result.


Why did you choose Greg Mason as your coach?

Hennie: We had a very good kick off and introduction meeting. I liked his style and personality and was intrigued by what he could offer.

Greg’s comments: It is really important to choose a coach that connects with you, and who you respect. A business coach will be your compassionate but unreasonable friend. He will listen to your woes and guide you, but he will also hold up a mirror and point out harsh truths and hold you accountable to make changes.


How has coaching helped you personally?

Hennie: Coaching has changed my behaviour which was the biggest stumbling block. I realised that my attitude and way of communication was an obstacle to business growth. It was all about doing things my way and not the team’s way. I am now a much better listener than the talker I used to be. And by changing my behaviour, my team’s behaviour changed.

Greg’s comments: What is important to note is that Hennie’s change in behaviour and the resultant change in his team has subsequently benefited the business. We didn’t just focus on business principles and systems. A change in attitude and belief systems is equally important if you want to take your business to the next level. By being open to increased participation from his team, he has spread the load and the responsibility of growing the business.


How has coaching benefited the business?

Hennie: I was a very good technical manager and was good at what I did. But I was a very poor managing director. Through coaching, we went back to the basics and now we are all focusing on the same outcome as a team. There are still many challenges, but at least I recognise the challenges and have ways to solve them. Our turnover has increased by 30 % in the last year! The main measures that contributed to this are our increased focus on cost and streamlining of processes. Our focus on core business, our strong points and measuring our inputs and actual productions on site has increased our profits from a R7 Million loss last year to a R1.5 Million profit this year… despite the fact that we have dropped our margins to be more competitive. We are back in the black! This turnaround is mostly attributed to testing and measuring everything and holding team members accountable for their work.

Greg’s comments: Hennie’s business has grown, and the team has grown. His team is focused on achieving a common goal that they identify at our quarterly 90 day planning sessions. It has been enormously rewarding for me to watch his business take off with a competent leader at its helm.


Would you recommend business coaching?

Hennie: I would definitely recommend business coaching and have now involved all my line managers in our coaching sessions. I will also encourage my successor to start coaching as soon as he knows he is taking over!

Greg’s comments: Coaching is not for everyone. You have to be open to change, have the capacity to accept your shortcomings, and the determination to take action and try something new or different. 

 I hope you enjoyed this case study!

Have a great weekend,


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